MMI Mindful Training Co. is a global mindfulness training company

We train organizations worldwide how to adopt mindfulness and create a more mindful workplace. From manufacturing to healthcare, tech to education, MMI Mindful Training Co. can offer your organization expert training that can enhance the lives of your team and upgrade the workplace culture as a whole.

MMI Mindful Training Co. is powered by the McLean Meditation Institute, an organization that has been offering meditation and mindfulness training since 2006.

Built by Expert Mindfulness Trainers

In 2011, the MMI staff and faculty expanded their reach and dedicated themselves to educating meditation and mindfulness instructors and workplace trainers to the highest standards of excellence through the Meditation Teacher Academy.

Now, there are hundreds of professionally trained MMI Certified Mindfulness Teachers and MMI Mindful Workplace Trainers worldwide who serve a variety of populations from leaders of Fortune 500 companies to front line workers in manufacturing.

MMI Mindful features expert trainers who specializing in bringing mindfulness training to businesses. They offer a training program that is completely customizable and designed to suit your company’s needs and organizational culture.

Meet the Founders

Sarah McLean

Sarah McLean is the president of MMI Mindful Training Co. and the director of the training program. She’s a world-renowned mindfulness and meditation teacher who has dedicated her life to helping people rediscover the keys to balance, creativity, and emotional and physical wellbeing with meditation and mindfulness.

She’s a best-selling Hay House author of a number of books including The Power of Attention. She’s a popular presenter who leads self-discovery and leadership retreats at Esalen, Miraval, Enchantment Resort, and specialized mindfulness training for workplaces and teams, among them Proctor & Gamble, Freeths, INTEGRIS Health, L’Auberge Resort, Arizona Human Society, and Berkshire Hathaway companies.

Based out of Santa Barbara, California, she’s the founder and director of the Meditation Teacher Academy who has trained over 300 meditation and mindfulness teachers.

Sarah’s teaching has been touted in a variety of media including The New York Times, Los Angeles Times, The Guardian, Prevention Magazine, and Forbes. She’s been featured in several award-winning movies and is known for inspiring  audiences worldwide to practice mindfulness to reclaim the power of their attention and live more fulfilling, dynamic, and optimal lives.

Contact Sarah McLean

Dr. Laurel Geise

Dr. Laurel Geise, a highly sought-after speaker and business consultant, is the CEO and Founder of The Geise Group. Dr. Geise is recognized as a leading expert in Mindfulness at Work program deployment. ​During her thirty year corporate career, Dr. Geise held executive positions in Fortune 500 companies including C-Level positions in Corporate Compliance and Information Security, and was a consultant for the largest banks in the world. She holds a Bachelors degree in Organizational Psychology and a Masters in Business Administration.

Following a personal tragedy, Laurel learned to meditate with Dr. Deepak Chopra—the world’s leading expert on meditation. She became a meditation instructor and has introduced thousands of people to the benefits of mindfulness over the last twenty years. With a Doctor of Ministry (D.Min.), she is the thought leader who introduced Soul-Guided Leadership™, a personal and professional leadership strategy combining mindfulness principles, meditation practices and management tactics. The Geise Group headquarters is in St Petersburg, Florida.

Contact Dr. Laurel Geise